
class ShoppingCart(project: Project? = null) : Iterable<ShoppingCart.Item?>

Class representing the snabble shopping cart


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constructor(project: Project? = null)


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object Companion
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class Item

Class describing a shopping cart item


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Returns the number of times items in the shopping cart were added

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The last time the cart was backed up by using .backup

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val id: String

The id used to identify this cart session

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Gets a list of invalid products that were rejected by the backend.

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Check if the cart is empty

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Returns true of the carts price is calculated by the backend

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Check if the cart is backed up by .backup and still in the 5 minute time window

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Returns the current minimum age required to purchase all items of the shopping cart

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Returns the number of times items in the shopping cart were modified

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Returns the total sum of deposit

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Returns the total price of the cart.

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The quantity of items in the cart.

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The UUID of the cart


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Add a item to the cart

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fun addCoupon(coupon: Coupon)

Adds coupons without adding a scanned code to it, you can use this function to quickly add DIGITAL coupons that do not have a barcode associated with them

fun addCoupon(coupon: Coupon, scannedCode: ScannedCode?)

Adds coupons with a scanned code to it, you can use this function to quickly add PRINTED coupons

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Adds a ShoppingCartListener to the list of listeners if it does not already exist.

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fun backup()

Backups the cart, so it can be restured using .restore later.

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fun clear()

Clears the cart of all items

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Clears the backup storage of the cart

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Checks if the provided scanned code is contained inside the shopping cart

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Generate a new uuid.

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operator fun get(index: Int): ShoppingCart.Item

Gets the cart item a specific index

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Find a cart item by it's id

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Returns a cart item that contains the given product, if that cart item can be merged.

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Returns true if the shopping cart is over the current set limit

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Returns true if the shopping cart is over the current set limit for online checkouts

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Gets the current index of a cart item

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fun insert(item: ShoppingCart.Item, index: Int)

Insert a cart item into the shopping cart at a specific index

fun insert(item: ShoppingCart.Item, index: Int, update: Boolean)
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Clears the cart and generated a cart new session.

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Resets the cart to the state before it was updated by the backend

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open operator override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<ShoppingCart.Item>
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Create a new cart item using a line item of a checkout info

fun newItem(product: Product, scannedCode: ScannedCode): ShoppingCart.Item

Create a new cart item using a product and a scanned code

fun newItem(coupon: Coupon, scannedCode: ScannedCode?): ShoppingCart.Item

Create a new cart item using a coupon and a scanned code

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fun remove(index: Int)

Removed a cart item from the cart by its index

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fun removeCoupon(coupon: Coupon)
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Removes a given ShoppingCartListener from the list of listeners.

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Remove the handled ViolationNotifications.

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fun restore()

Restores the cart previously backed up by .backup

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fun setInvalidDepositReturnVoucher(invalidDepositReturnVoucher: Boolean)
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fun setOnlineTotalPrice(totalPrice: Int)
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fun size(): Int

The number items in the cart.

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fun toJson(): String
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fun updatePrices(debounce: Boolean)

Update all prices of the cart

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Updates each items products in the shopping cart