Package-level declarations
Collection of utils to format and handle phone numbers
Returns the int value of an attribute
Resolves the given into color string into resource identifier returns the id if found else 0
Resolves the given color string into a color for Compose returns the color as Int on success else null
Resolves the given into image string into resource identifier returns the id if found else 0
Resolves the given into string resource identifier
Converts the string into a resource id and returns the matching resource String
Returns a Boolean. True if the given Charsequence is not null or blank
Resolves the given color string into resource identifier returns the id on success else null
Resolves the given into image string into resource identifier returns the id if found else null
Sets the textview to visible and the text to be displayed if the given char sequence is not null or blank. The text will be set as resource string if the string matches a string resoruce id. Otherwise the plain text will be displayed
Sets the textview to visible and text to be displayed if the given char sequence is not null or blank
Returns a converted hex string matching the previous int value