Package-level declarations
LiveData with the current (possible not yet published) value. You can observe changes like with regular LiveData. You can write from any thread the value it will be posted on the main thread and published there when called from a background thread.
Enum describing a barcode format
Configuration of the snabble SDK.
Class describing customer cards
Enum describing the environment the app is using
Enum class describing the state of a fulfillment
Enum class describing the current initialization state of the SDK
Mutable LiveData with the current (possible not yet published) value. You can observe changes like with regular MutableLiveData, just not inherited. You can write from any thread the value it will be posted on the main thread and published there when called from a background thread.
Interface for product api calls
Enum class describing payment methods
A price formatter for formatting prices using the provided currency information
Shop related on-site services
Initializer for the snabble SDK using androidx.startup
Class for describing our terms of service.
Class managing local user preferences
A notification that a violation occurred