Package-level declarations


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open class AccessibleLiveData<T> : LiveData<T>

LiveData with the current (possible not yet published) value. You can observe changes like with regular LiveData. You can write from any thread the value it will be posted on the main thread and published there when called from a background thread.

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open class Assets
Class for accessing image assets from the snabble backend.
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Enum describing a barcode format

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data class Brand(val id: String, val name: String) : Comparable<Brand>
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object ColorUtils
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data class Company(val city: String?, val country: String?, val name: String?, val street: String?, val zip: String?)

Class describing a company

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data class Config(var endpointBaseUrl: String = Environment.PRODUCTION.baseUrl, var appId: String? = null, var secret: String? = null, var bundledMetadataAssetPath: String? = null, var bundledMetadataRawResId: Int = 0, var generateSearchIndex: Boolean = false, var maxProductDatabaseAge: Long = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1), var maxShoppingCartAge: Long = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(4), var initialSQL: List<String> = emptyList(), var vibrateToConfirmCartFilled: Boolean = false, var loadActiveShops: Boolean = false, var checkInRadius: Float = 500.0f, var checkOutRadius: Float = 1000.0f, var lastSeenThreshold: Long = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15), var networkInterceptor: Interceptor? = null, var manualProductDatabaseUpdates: Boolean = false)

Configuration of the snabble SDK.

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data class CustomerCardInfo(val cardId: String, val isRequired: Boolean)

Class describing customer cards

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Enum describing a group of units

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Enum describing the environment the app is using

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Enum class describing the state of a fulfillment

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Enum class describing the current initialization state of the SDK

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object InterceptorSerializer : JsonSerializer<Interceptor?> , JsonDeserializer<Interceptor?>
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data class Link(val href: String)

Data class for a link

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Mutable LiveData with the current (possible not yet published) value. You can observe changes like with regular MutableLiveData, just not inherited. You can write from any thread the value it will be posted on the main thread and published there when called from a background thread.

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Interface for product api calls

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Enum class describing payment methods

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data class PaymentMethodDescriptor(val id: String, val links: Map<String, Link>?, val providerName: String, val acceptedOriginTypes: List<String>?)

A class describing a payment method

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class PriceFormatter(project: Project)

A price formatter for formatting prices using the provided currency information

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Class that holds all of the product information.
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open class ProductDatabase
Class for interfacing with the local product database
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class Project

A project contains configuration information and backend api urls needed for a retailer.

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data class ReceiptInfo(val id: String, val projectId: String, val timestamp: Long, val pdfUrl: String?, val shopName: String, val price: String, val isSuccessful: Boolean)

Class containing information about a order

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class Receipts

Class to download user receipts in pdf format to internal storage.

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open class ReceiptsApi
Class for interfacing with the snabble Receipts API
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Class representing a shop
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data class ShopServices(val iconPath: String, val descriptions: ShopServices.Descriptions)

Shop related on-site services

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object Snabble

The heart of the snabble SDK. Initialization and object access is provided via this facade.

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Tagging subclass to avoid clashes with misbehaving libraries
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Initializer for the snabble SDK using androidx.startup

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data class TermsOfService(val updatedAt: String, val version: String, val variants: List<TermsOfService.Variant> = emptyList())

Class for describing our terms of service.

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enum Unit
Enum describing different units and thier conversions to each other
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Class managing local user preferences

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class Users

Class managing per-user settings of the backend

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data class ViolationNotification(val name: String?, val refersTo: String?, val type: String? = null, val fallbackMessage: String? = null)

A notification that a violation occurred


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@JvmName(name = "bindArgs")
fun String.bindSqlArgs(args: Array<String>?): String

Binds the strings in args to ocurrences of '?' in a sql string

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fun Properties.getFloat(key: String, default: Float): Float
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fun Properties.getLong(key: String, default: Long): Long