Package-level declarations


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data class AuthorizePaymentRequest(val encryptedOrigin: String? = null)
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data class Check(val id: String? = null, val links: Map<String, Href>? = null, val type: CheckType? = null, val requiredAge: Int? = null, val performedBy: Performer? = null, val state: CheckState? = null)
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class Checkout @JvmOverloads constructor(project: Project, shoppingCart: ShoppingCart, checkoutApi: CheckoutApi = DefaultCheckoutApi( project, shoppingCart ))
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interface CheckoutApi

Interface for the snabble Checkout API

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data class CheckoutInfo(val price: Price? = null, val lineItems: List<LineItem> = emptyList(), val violations: List<Violation> = emptyList())
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data class CheckoutProcessRequest(val signedCheckoutInfo: SignedCheckoutInfo? = null, val paymentMethod: PaymentMethod? = null, val paymentInformation: PaymentInformation? = null, val finalizedAt: String? = null, val processedOffline: Boolean? = null)
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data class CheckoutProcessResponse(val links: Map<String, Href>? = null, val checks: List<Check> = emptyList(), val orderId: String? = null, val aborted: Boolean = false, val paymentMethod: PaymentMethod? = null, val paymentInformation: PaymentInformation? = null, val paymentPreauthInformation: JsonObject? = null, val exitToken: ExitToken? = null, val paymentState: CheckState? = null, val pricing: Pricing? = null, val routingTarget: RoutingTarget? = null, val paymentResult: PaymentResult? = null, val fulfillments: List<Fulfillment> = emptyList())
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class DefaultCheckoutApi(project: Project, shoppingCart: ShoppingCart) : CheckoutApi
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data class ExitToken(val value: String? = null, val format: String? = null)
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data class Fulfillment(val id: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val state: FulfillmentState? = null, val refersTo: List<String> = emptyList(), val links: Map<String, Href>? = null)
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data class Href(val href: String? = null) : Serializable
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data class LineItem(val id: String? = null, val amount: Int = 0, val couponId: String? = null, val discountID: String? = null, val discountRuleID: String? = null, val discountType: String? = null, val listPrice: Int = 0, val name: String? = null, val price: Int = 0, val priceModifiers: List<PriceModifier>? = null, val redeemed: Boolean = false, val refersTo: String? = null, val referenceUnit: String? = null, val scannedCode: String? = null, val sku: String? = null, val totalPrice: Int = 0, val type: LineItemType? = null, val units: Int? = null, val weight: Int? = null, val weightUnit: String? = null)
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data class PaymentInformation(val qrCodeContent: String? = null, val encryptedOrigin: String? = null, val originType: String? = null, val validUntil: String? = null, val cardNumber: String? = null, val deviceID: String? = null, val deviceName: String? = null, val deviceFingerprint: String? = null, val deviceIPAddress: String? = null, val handoverInformation: String? = null, val subject: String? = null)
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data class PaymentMethodInfo(val id: String? = null, val isTesting: Boolean = false, val acceptedOriginTypes: List<String> = emptyList())
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data class PaymentResult(val originCandidateLink: String? = null, val failureCause: String? = null)
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data class PersistentState(var file: File, var cartId: String? = null, var checkoutProcess: CheckoutProcessResponse? = null, var selectedPaymentMethod: PaymentMethod? = null, var priceToPay: Int = 0, var codes: List<String> = mutableListOf(), var invalidProducts: List<Product>? = null, var redeemedCoupons: List<Coupon> = emptyList(), var state: CheckoutState = CheckoutState.NONE, var fulfillmentState: List<Fulfillment>? = null, var signedCheckoutInfo: SignedCheckoutInfo? = null)
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data class Price(val price: Int = 0, val netPrice: Int = 0)
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data class PriceModifier(val name: String? = null, val price: Int = 0)
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data class Pricing(val price: Price? = null)
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data class SignedCheckoutInfo(val checkoutInfo: JsonObject? = null, val signature: String? = null, val links: Map<String, Href>? = null)
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data class Violation(val type: String? = null, val refersTo: String? = null, val message: String? = null)