
class Item

Class describing a shopping cart item


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constructor(cart: ShoppingCart, coupon: Coupon, scannedCode: ScannedCode?)
constructor(cart: ShoppingCart, product: Product, scannedCode: ScannedCode)
constructor(cart: ShoppingCart, lineItem: LineItem)


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Gets the user associated coupon of this item

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Gets the displayed name of the product

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Returns the effective quantity (embedded weight OR embedded price) depending on the type

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Gets text displaying price, including the calculation.

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var id: String?

Returns the id of the shopping cart item

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Returns true if the item should be displayed as a discount

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Returns true if the item is editable by the user

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Returns true if the item is editable by the user while scanning

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Sets or Returns true if a manual coupon (coupon applied by the user after scanning) is applied

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Returns true if the item can be merged with items that contain the same product and type

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Gets the total price of the items, ignoring the backend response

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Gets the minimum age required to purchase this item

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Gets the price after applying all price modifiers

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Gets text displaying price, including the calculation.

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Returns the product associated with the shopping cart item.

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Gets text displaying quantity, can be a weight or price depending on the type

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Returns the scanned code which was used when scanning the product and adding it to the shopping cart

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Gets the total deposit of the item

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Gets the total price of the item

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Gets the displayed total price

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Returns the ItemType of the cart item

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val unit: Unit?

Returns the unit associated with the cart item, or null if the cart item has no unit


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fun addManualCoupon(coupon: Coupon?)

Associate a user applied coupon with this item. E.g. manual price reductions.

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fun getEffectiveQuantity(ignoreLineItem: Boolean): Int
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fun getUnitBasedQuantity(ignoreLineItem: Boolean): Int

Returns the quantity of the cart item

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fun replace(product: Product?, scannedCode: ScannedCode?, quantity: Int)
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fun updateQuantity(quantity: Int)

Set the quantity of the cart item