
class Project

A project contains configuration information and backend api urls needed for a retailer.


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Url to load shops that are not currently 'live'. Shops that are already live are already included in the normal metadata json and do'nt need to be loaded afterwards

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Url to download the product database

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Url to retrieve app user information

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lateinit var assets: Assets

Provides access to images used by various ui components

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Url to retrieve image assets that change dynamically between retailers

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List of payment methods that should be available to the user

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var brand: Brand?

If multiple projects are linked to the same retailer, they can have a optional Brand associated with them, so they can be grouped together. E.g. in the Payment Options Screen

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lateinit var checkout: Checkout

The snabble checkout API.

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Url to start a checkout flow

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List of code templates used for parsing vendor specific barcodes.

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Object describing the company associated for this project.

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lateinit var coupons: Coupons

Provides a list of active coupons

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lateinit var currency: Currency

The currency used to calculate and display prices

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The number of used currency fractions digits

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lateinit var currencyLocale: Locale

The locale in which this currency is used

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Sets the customer card number for user identification with the backend

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Returns the possible accepted cards and if a customer card is required

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var customizationConfig: JsonElement?
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The code template that should be used, when no code template is specified by a scannable code

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Parameters in which codes used for offline processing (for example: Checkout using a QR-Code) should be encoded

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lateinit var events: Events

Event logger which ships logging data to the snabble backend

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Url to post events to the snabble Backend (e.g. cart updates)

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lateinit var id: String

The unique identifier of the Project

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The internal storage directly used for various files stored by the snabble SDK that are related to this project.

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Indicator if checkout should be available when using this Project

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Indicator if prices should be displayed using the net price instead of the gross price

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The limit of all checkout methods, in cents (or other base currency values)

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The limit of online payments, in cents (or other base currency values)

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The user facing name of the Project.

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lateinit var okHttpClient: OkHttpClient

OkHttpClient which wraps http calls to the snabble backend with valid tokens.

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List of payment method descriptors indicating which payment methods and providers are available in the Project

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A price formatter for formatting prices using the provided currency information.

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List of code templates that are used when supplying an existing Product with a different barcode which contains a reduced price

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Url to retrieve products by barcode

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Url to retrieve products by sku

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The primary product database of this project

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If a customer card is strictly required to use the checkout functionality at all.

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The roundingMode which should be used when doing offline calculations

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List of code templates that are searchable using the barcode search functionality

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The users shopping cart

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Flow to observe the current users shopping cart

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List of shops which are available.

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List of supported barcode formats used by this retailer. The scanner should restrict its scanning to include only those formats

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Url to retrieve authentication tokens

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A key-value map containing urls provided by the metadata. All urls are absolute, even if the original metadata contained relative urls.


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Adds a listener that gets called every time the metadata updates

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Get a code template by its name

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fun getText(key: String, defaultValue: String? = null): String?

Get text included in the metadata

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Get a code transformation template by its name

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Causes hidden shops to be loaded asynchronously if config.loadActiveShops is set to true.

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fun logErrorEvent(format: String?, vararg args: Any?)

Logs a event tagged with error to the snabble Backend

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fun logEvent(format: String?, vararg args: Any?)

Logs a event to the snabble Backend

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fun parse(jsonObject: JsonObject)

Parse a json definition of a Project

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Removes an already added listener