
object Payone


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data class Link(val href: String?) : Parcelable
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data class PayoneTokenizationData(val merchantID: String, val isTesting: Boolean, val portalID: String, val accountID: String, val hash: String, val preAuthInfo: Payone.PreAuthInfo, val links: Map<String, Payone.Link>) : Parcelable
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data class PreAuthInfo(val amount: Int?, val currency: String?) : Parcelable
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data class PreAuthRequest(val pseudoCardPan: String, val name: String, val email: String, val address: Payone.PreAuthRequest.Address)
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data class PreAuthResponse(val status: Payone.AuthStatus, val userID: String, val links: Map<String, Payone.Link>)


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fun registerCard(activity: FragmentActivity, project: Project, paymentMethod: PaymentMethod, saveCredentials: Boolean, formPrefillData: FormPrefillData?)