
Class that holds all of the product information.


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Enum representing the product availability
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open class Builder
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open class Code : Serializable
Data class representing information required for scanning
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enum Type


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open val basePrice: String
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open val imageUrl: String
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open val isDeposit: Boolean
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open val name: String
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open val price: Int
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open val saleStop: Boolean
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open val sku: String
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open val subtitle: String
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open val type: Product.Type


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open fun describeContents(): Int
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open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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open fun getEncodingUnit(lookupCode: String): Unit
The Unit that this product scanned code contains, using the default template.
open fun getEncodingUnit(templateName: String, lookupCode: String): Unit
The Unit that this product scanned code contains
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open fun getListPrice(): Int
Gets the listed price of the product
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open fun getPrice(customerCard: String): Int
Gets the price, including modifications of the price when a customer card is set
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open fun getPriceForQuantity(quantity: Int, scannedCode: ScannedCode, roundingMode: RoundingMode): Int
open fun getPriceForQuantity(quantity: Int, scannedCode: ScannedCode, roundingMode: RoundingMode, customerCardId: String): Int
Returns the price for a given quantity.
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Gets the preferred scanned code that should be used for encoding into encoded codes
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open fun getTransmissionCode(project: Project, templateName: String, lookupCode: String, embeddedData: Int): String
Returns the code that gets used to encode the scanned code into encoded codes.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun isDiscounted(): Boolean
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open fun toShortString(): String
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open fun toString(): String
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open fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)