
open class Builder

Builder for creating encoded codes options


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constructor(project: Project)
Creates a new builder on a given project


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Separator for amount of products and scanned code, when not using repeatCodes option
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Code added after the last scanned code
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open fun manualDiscountFinalCode(manualDiscountFinalCode: String): EncodedCodesOptions.Builder
Code added after the last scanned code when a manual discount is applied
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The maximum number of characters allowed per code
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The maximum number of scanned codes per encoded code
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The maximum size the resulting encoded code should be on display in millimeters
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Code added after the last scanned code of a encoded code
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Code added after the last scanned code of a encoded code, before age restricted products
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String that gets prefixed on the encoded code
open fun prefix(index: Int, prefix: String): EncodedCodesOptions.Builder
String that gets prefixed on the encoded code on a given index
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Set to true if products should be repeated per amount to be purchased.
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Separator of each added code
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Suffix of a encoded code