Integration with a virtual Point of Sale (vPOS)
Snabble is able to use a virtual Point of Sale (vPOS) to integrate into the systems of a retailer. The vPOS acts like a usual Point of Sale system (PoS), but hands the processing of the checkout over to Snabble.
The vPOS is used in the checkout flow on two points: First it is used to determine the price and further restrictions at the beginning. Second, after completing the checkout the information on the checkout is passed back to the vPOS. This allows it to trigger the correct retailer internal processes.
Data Model
Checkouts are represented through the following data structure:
"shopId": "1",
"externalShopId": "12",
"loyaltyCard": "...",
"items": [
"id": "54ddafde-5207-11e9-b1c7-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "1",
"type": "default",
"name": "Wine",
"amount": 2,
"price" : 119,
"taxRate" : "19",
"totalPrice": 238,
"saleRestriction": "min_age_18",
"scannedCode": "0000000000001"
"id": "b33a8950-521e-11e9-934a-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "bottle",
"type": "deposit",
"refersTo": "54ddafde-5207-11e9-b1c7-68f7286a148f",
"name": "Deposit",
"amount": "2",
"price": 8,
"taxRate": "19",
"totalPrice": 16
"id": "aded2a10-521f-11e9-96a0-68f7286a148f",
"type": "discount",
"refersTo": "54ddafde-5207-11e9-b1c7-68f7286a148f",
"name": "Wine promotion",
"amount": "1",
"price": -38,
"taxRate": "19",
"totalPrice": -38
"id": "5c8c5168-5207-11e9-bf60-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "2",
"type": "default",
"amount": 1,
"weight": 42,
"weightUnit": "g",
"name": "Apple",
"amount": "1",
"price": 199,
"referenceUnit": "kg",
"taxRate": "7",
"totalPrice": 8,
"scannedCode": "0000000000420"
"id": "64769fc8-5207-11e9-8f9a-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "3",
"type": "default",
"name": "Rolls",
"amount": 1,
"units": 6,
"price": 32,
"taxRate": "7",
"totalPrice": 192,
"scannedCode": "0000000000062"
"id": "6a347656-5207-11e9-9d96-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "4",
"type": "default",
"name": "Bread",
"amount": 2,
"price": 129,
"priceModifiers": [
"name": "Discount 10%",
"price": -10,
"taxRate": "7",
"totalPrice": 238,
"scannedCode": "0000000001298"
"taxShares" : [
{ "rate": "19", "net": 182, "share": 34, "total": 216 },
{ "rate": "7", "net": 391, "share": 27, "total": 418 }
"netPrice" : 573,
"totalPrice" : 634,
"orderId": "f30b0aa4-5210-11e9-a411-68f7286a148f",
"externalCheckoutId": "1",
"paymentInformation": {
"mandateReference": "..."
"state": "completed",
"receiptBuffer": "c25hYmJsZQo=",
"receiptFormat": "pdf"
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
shopId | string | Identifier of the shop | |
externalShopId | string | null | External identifier of the shop as provided through the Shops API |
loyaltyCard | string | null | Loyalty card number of the customer |
customer | Customer | Customer details | |
items | LineItem[] | List of the line items | |
taxShares | TaxShare[] | null | List of tax shares |
netPrice | int | null | Net price of the checkout |
totalPrice | int | null | Total price of the checkout |
orderId | string | null | Identifier of the Snabble order |
externalCheckoutId | string | null | Identifier used by the vPOS to identify the checkout |
paymentInformation | object | null | Additional information provided by the payment system (i.e. transaction id, SEPA mandate) |
state | string | null | The state of the checkout (open , completed ) |
receiptBuffer | string | null | Base64 encoded receipt |
receiptFormat | string | Format of the receiptBuffer (pdf or text ) | |
errors | []Error | null | List of errors |
Tax Shares
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
rate | string | Tax rate as string encoded decimal | |
net | int | Net portion | |
share | int | Tax share for this rate | |
total | int | The total |
Line Item
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | Identifier of the line item | |
type | string | default | Type of the line item (default , deposit , giveaway , discount , coupon ) |
refersTo | string | null | line item that is related to this one (i.e. if the line item represents a deposit the id of the line item which requires it) |
sku | string | null | SKU of the product |
couponID | string | null | id of the coupon |
amount | int | Number of products / packages | |
weight | int | 0 | Weight purchased |
weightUnit | string | Unit of the weight | |
referenceUnit | string | Reference unit for weighable item, Details: Product API: weighable products | |
units | int | 0 | Number of units in a package in case of bundle or piece product |
price | int | Price of the product for single unit, piece, weightUnit, etc | |
totalPrice | int | Total price of the line item | |
name | string | Name of the product | |
taxRate | string | Tax rate as string encoded decimal | |
scannedCode | string | Scanned code | |
saleRestriction | string | Restrictions that apply to the line item | |
priceModifiers | PriceModifier | Price Modifiers that apply to the line item | |
errors | []Error | null | List of errors |
Price Modifier
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | "" | Name of the modifier |
price | int | The price modification |
Discounts & Modifiers
For a checkout different promotions might apply. There are three
different possibilities to represent promotions: A promotion might
change the price
and totalPrice
of a LineItem. In this case the
system has no information and the prices are displayed as given
A promotion might modify the price of the line item. This modification should be
represented by a Modifier
. For example a price reduction can be respresented by:
"id": "6a347656-5207-11e9-9d96-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "4",
"type": "default",
"name": "Bread",
"amount": 3,
"price": 129,
"modifiers": [
"name": "Promotion",
"price": -29,
"taxRate": "7",
"totalPrice": 300,
"scannedCode": "0000000001298"
General discounts (i.e. a cart discount) are represented through line
items of type discount
. These line items might reference another
line item (i.e. the coupon that triggered the discount). For example:
"id": "aded2a10-521f-11e9-96a0-68f7286a148f",
"type": "discount",
"refersTo": "54ddafde-5207-11e9-b1c7-68f7286a148f",
"name": "Cart Promotion 10%",
"amount": "1",
"taxRate": "7",
"price": -38,
"totalPrice": -38
Coupons are represented as line items of type coupon
"id": "aded2a10-521f-11e9-96a0-68f7286a148f",
"type": "coupon",
"name": "Coupon",
"amount": "1",
"scannedCode": "1234"
In case of an error the checkout may contain a list of errors. Further
the the line item may contain a list of error objects to indicate why
they cause an error. Such an object consists of type
string and an
informational message
"items": [
"id": "00883a9e-520c-11e9-a629-68f7286a148f",
"errors": [
"type": "invalid_line_item",
"message": "Invalid line item"
"errors": [
"type": "invalid_cart_items",
"message": "Invalid line item"
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
type | string | Type of the error | |
message | string | null | Optional informational error message |
Line Item Errors
Error types | Description |
unknown_product | Product could not be identified |
sale_stop | Product can't be sold |
invalid_line_item | The line item is semantically invalid |
other | Other errors |
Cart Errors
Error types | Description |
invalid_cart_items | Some cart items are invalid |
service_unavailable | The service is currently not available |
invalid_loyalty_card | The loyalty card is invalid |
The Service sends an Authorization
header as described in RFC 7235
Section 4.2. The
supported authentication schemes are Bearer
(see RFC
6750) and Basic
(see RFC
7617). Additionally
authorization through TLS 1.2 / 1.3 certificates is supported.
Obtain Checkout Information
This endpoint is called if the system needs to complete the information in a checkout. It sends an incomplete checkout and the service should respond with a completed checkout. The checkout misses the prices, the tax rates, the names and the sale restrictions.
The service responds with a completed checkout containing the missing information. Further it might add additional line items that represent promotions (like discounts or additional items) or deposits.
Accept: application/json
"shopId": "1",
"loyaltyCard": "...",
"items": [
"id": "54ddafde-5207-11e9-b1c7-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "1",
"type": "default",
"amount": 2,
"scannedCode": "0000000000001"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
"shopId": "1",
"loyaltyCard": "...",
"items": [
"id": "54ddafde-5207-11e9-b1c7-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "1",
"type": "default",
"name": "Product",
"amount": 2,
"price" : 119,
"taxRate" : "19",
"totalPrice": 238,
"saleRestriction": "min_age_18",
"scannedCode": "0000000000001"
"taxShares" : [
{ "rate": "19", "net": 200, "share": 38, "total": 238 }
"netPrice" : 200,
"totalPrice" : 238
Status Codes
200 OK
,201 Created
: The information was completed and the checkout is approved for processing400 Bad Request
: The information could not be completed or the checkout is not approved for processing
Place completed Checkout
After Snabble has processed the checkout it sends a request to the vPOS. This request contains all information on the checkout.
The service sends the information as obtained before and adds the
Snabble orderId
and information on the payment. Further it sets the
flag to true.
Accept: application/json
"shopId": "1",
"items": [
"id": "54ddafde-5207-11e9-b1c7-68f7286a148f",
"sku": "1",
"type": "default",
"name": "Product",
"amount": 2,
"price" : 119,
"taxRate" : "19",
"totalPrice": 238,
"saleRestriction": "min_age_18",
"scannedCode": "0000000000001"
"taxShares" : [
{ "rate": "19", "net": 200, "share": 38, "total": 238 }
"netPrice" : 200,
"totalPrice" : 238,
"orderId": "f30b0aa4-5210-11e9-a411-68f7286a148f",
"paymentInformation": {
"mandateReference": "..."
"state": "completed"
The endpoints responds with the checkout. Optionally it might send a
property externalCheckoutId
. These are stored. Further it might
provide a receipt through the receiptBuffer
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
// all fields as above
"externalCheckoutId": "1",
"receiptBuffer": "c25hYmJsZQo="
Status Codes
200 OK
,201 Created
: The Checkout was processed by the vPOS