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Shops API

This documentation describes the Snabble API endpoints related to the management and access of shops. These endpoints are available on the api subdomain. See General API access for general information about api access.




idstringThe id of the Shop
projectstringThe id of the Project
externalIdstringAn identifier provided by external sources
namestringThe name of the shop
emailstringEmail address
phonestringPhone number
streetstringStreet and number
zipstringPostal code
openingHoursSpecificationDescription of the opening hours of the store. Each item contains the dayOfWeek (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY...), the time when it opens and the time when it closes. It is possible to add multiple items per day.
services[]ArrayList of services provided by the shop
externalObjectCustom object containing additional data


"project" : "some-project",
"externalId" : "some-id",
"name" : "name",
"lat" : 1.0,
"lon" : 1.0,
"openingHoursSpecification" : [
"opens" : "08:00",
"closes" : "12:00",
"dayOfWeek" : "MONDAY"
"opens" : "14:00",
"closes" : "20:00",
"dayOfWeek" : "MONDAY"
"phone" : "111",
"email" : "email1",
"services" : [ "backery" ],
"state" : "region",
"street" : "street 1",
"city" : "city",
"zip" : "postalCode",
"country" : "country",
"links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/demo/shops/1"

Customizing a Shop

Since there is no model that fits all use-cases, it is possible to associate a custom object with each shop through the external field. This field can be used to associate additional links or other kind of informations with the shop.

Keep in mind, that the SDK initially downloads the list of shops containing the whole external object.

Get all shops

GET /{project}/shops

Get the list of shops of the project.

Required permissions : shopsRead for the project

Success Response 200 OK

Content-Type : application/json

Data : List of Shops

Get shop

GET /{project}/shops/{id}

Get the shop.

Success Response 200 OK

Content-Type : application/json

Data : Shop

Get shop by externalId

GET /{project}/shops/search/?externalId={externalId}

Search the shop by its externalId.

Success Response 200 OK

Content-Type : application/json

Data : Shop

Create shop

POST /{project}/shops

Create a shop.


Content-Type : application/json

Data : Shop

Success Response 201 Created

Location : Get Shop

Content-Type : application/json

Data : Shop

Update shop

PUT /{project}/shops/{id}

Update the shop.


Content-Type : application/json

Data : Shop

Success Response 200 OK

Content-Type : application/json

Data : Shop

Delete shop

DELETE /{project}/shops/{id}

Delete the shop.

Success Response 200 OK