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PoS Integration

This documentation describes the Snabble API endpoints related to the Point of Sale (PoS) integration. These endpoints are available on the api subdomain. See General API access for general information about api access.


Data Model


The integration of Snabble into a Point of Sale software system (PoS) is implemented through a handover of an identifier from the Snabble app to the PoS using a standard QR-Code. After the handover the PoS can fetch and process the checkout. Finally, it updates it to reflect the outcome of the process.

The QR-Code presented by the user contains the identifier of the checkout process. It looks like this:


The string after the colon is the identifier of the checkout process.

To build the URL of the process the base URL of the used Snabble environment (see General API access: Environments), the identifier of the project and the identifier of the checkout are required. This is the URL template:

<base URL>/<project id>/pos/checkout/id/<checkout id>


After the PoS has accessed the identifier of the checkout process form the QR-Code and has build the URL as above, it should perform a request to update the state of the checkout process to processing. This communicates that it started to handle the checkout process. Additionally it might identify itself by sending an unique identifier. The service responds with the complete updated checkout process, which should be used by PoS to process the checkout. The call to the service might look like:

PATCH /project/pos/checkout/id/752dd716-ec0c-11e8-8528-68f7286a148f HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
Authoirization: Bearer ...

"state": "processing",
"processedBy": "pos-1"

The service responds with:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"lineItems" : [
"scannedCode": "0000000000001",
"totalPrice" : 798,
"amount" : 2,
"price" : 399,
"taxRate" : 19,
"sku" : "1"
"scannedCode": "0000000000002"
"price" : 1099,
"totalPrice" : 1099,
"amount" : 1,
"taxRate" : 19
"taxShares" : [
{ "rate": "19", "net": "40382", "share": "7673", "total": "48055" }
"netPrice" : 40382,
"totalPrice" : 48055,
"state": "processing",
"processedBy": "pos-1",
"loyaltyCard": "12345678"

After successfully processing the checkout the PoS should update the checkout process. It should update the line items and the price to reflect the performed checkout. Further, it should set the state to successful.

PATCH /project/pos/checkout/id/752dd716-ec0c-11e8-8528-68f7286a148f HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
Authoirization: Bearer ...

"lineItems" : [
"scannedCode": "0000000000001",
"totalPrice" : 798,
"amount" : 2,
"price" : 399,
"taxRate" : 19,
"sku" : "1"
"scannedCode": "0000000000002"
"price" : 1099,
"totalPrice" : 1099,
"amount" : 1,
"taxRate" : 19
"taxShares" : [
{ "rate": "19", "net": "40382", "share": "7673", "total": "48055" }
"netPrice" : 40382,
"totalPrice" : 48055,
"state": "successful",
"loyaltyCard": "12345678"

If the checkout could not be performed, the PoS should update the checkout process and set its state to failed. Optionally the PoS can provide an informal failedReason message, which describes the conditions of the failure.

PATCH /project/pos/checkout/id/752dd716-ec0c-11e8-8528-68f7286a148f HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
Authorization: Bearer ...

"state": "failed",
"failedReason": "Payment failed"

Data Model

Checkout Process

lineItemsLineItem[]List of the line items. See Line Item
taxSharesTaxShare[]nullList of tax shares
netPriceintNet price
totalPriceintTotal price
statePaymentStateThe Status of the payment process. Only pending, processing, successful, failed are used in this case
loyaltyCardStringThe loyalty card identifier provided by the user
processedByStringString identifying the PoS which processes the checkout process
failedReasonStringMessage describing the conditions under which the checkout process was marked as failed

Tax Shares

ratestringTax rate as string encoded decimal
netintNet portion
shareintTax share for this rate
totalintThe total

Line Item

scannedCodestringScanned code
amountintNumber of products / packages
weightint0Weight of product in case of a weighable (a not packaged) product
unitsint0Number of units in a package in case of bundle or piece product
priceintThe base price of one product / unit
totalPriceintThe total price
taxRatestringTax rate as string encoded decimal


"lineItems" : [
"scannedCode": "0000000000001",
"totalPrice" : 798,
"amount" : 2,
"price" : 399,
"taxRate" : 19,
"sku" : "1"
"scannedCode": "0000000000002"
"price" : 1099,
"totalPrice" : 1099,
"amount" : 1,
"taxRate" : 19
"tax" : {
"19" : 7673
"taxNet" : {
"19" : 40382
"netPrice" : 40382,
"price" : 48055,
"state": "pending",
"loyaltyCard": "12345678",
"processedBy": "pos-1"

Get Checkout Process

GET /{project}/pos/checkout/id/{id}

Get the state of a Checkout Process.

Required permissions : checkoutRead for the checkout process

Success Response 200 OK

Content-Type : application/json

Data : Checkout Process

PUT Checkout Process

PUT /{project}/pos/checkout/id/{id}

Update the state of a Checkout Process.

Required permissions : updatePricingCheckoutProcess for the checkout process


Content-Type : application/json

Data : Checkout Process.

Success Response 200 OK

Content-Type : application/json

Data : Checkout Process

PATCH Checkout Process

PATCH /{project}/pos/checkout/id/{id}

Partially update the state of a Checkout Process.

The patch is applied according to RFC 7386.

Required permissions : updatePricingCheckoutProcess for the checkout process


Content-Type : application/merge-patch+json

Data : Checkout Process.

Success Response 200 OK

Content-Type : application/json

Data : Checkout Process